jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

Actresses gorditas fight prejudice in his underwear

Cacau Protásio, Simone Gutierrez, Mariana Xavier and Fabiana Karla, Brazilian celebrities joined forces to combat preconceptions about the body and feminine beauty. So raise the flag of plurality.

The girls, free body and clothes

Cacau was the one who spread the image of four women in bikinis, enjoying their bodies in a tropical landscape. The actress revealed two photos on his Instagram where you see them the four divas playing on the sand, unapologetic about their voluptuous figures.

"It is the people who have to be tasty for summer, summer is the one to be palatable to the people! Health itself, not neurosis "Cacau decreed a group name. "The trend of this season should be the pride! Saquémonos sarong! Manifesto for the respect and differences ", then proudly declared, along with a number of hashtags that refer to not obsess about the body and weight: # osolnasceupratodas (" the sun rises for all "), # fatproud (" Proud being fat "), # movimentoplussize, # tireseubiquinidagaveta (" Get your bikini drawer "), # enterreopreconceito (" Enterra your preconceptions "), # glamouréserfeliz (" glamor is to be happy "), # veraosemvergonha (" summer without shame ") , # gordelícias, # mulheresreais, # revelesuabeleza

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